Politics and Economics of International Energy

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Politics and Economics of International Energy

Following a basic introduction to the role of energy in modern societies and today’s energy systems, this course provides an understanding of the global politics of energy, the key actors, the role of international energy institutions, and not least the interaction between energy politics and markets. The energy policies of all states are inextricably linked to concerns about energy security, the economics of energy markets and the environmental impact of energy use.  Last, but not least, the course will address the crucial role of renewable energy in the global combat of climate change.

Course Objectives:

  • To introduce students to the past, present and future of energy markets in a way which covers the essential vocabulary and literature in the field.
  • To address some of the main controversies surrounding energy markets today such as the risk of resource scarcity, prospects for economic development for hydrocarbon rich economies, resource nationalism, the relation between global finance and energy corporations, the rise of renewables, transformations in the transportation sector, and international efforts to avert catastrophic climate change.
  • To enhance analytical, reading and writing skills to economic terminology, explanations and information of direct use for modules in international political economy.