Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy

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Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy


This Course introduces participants to the different types of monetary policy strategies and exchange rate arrangements that countries may choose, emphasizing that the two choices must be mutually consistent. It addresses the factors relevant for the choices and the consequences of these choices. Other topics covered include: determinants and diagnosis of inflation, the foreign exchange market, financial globalization and capital flows, assessment of the equilibrium real exchange rates, and the pros and cons of capital controls. The course also covers the monetary policy transmission mechanism and forward-looking strategies for setting policy interest rates, including inflation-targeting strategies. Considerable attention is paid to the implementation of monetary policy, including the use of forecasting models and the design of a structured system for monetary policy analysis.

Specifically, this course attempts to answer the following question: What exchange rate regime and monetary policy framework is more conducive to achieving development policy objectives in a particular country today, and why? We map the direct and indirect links from MERP to key development objectives, and discuss the main findings and how it relates with the empirical evidence to provide an up-to-date perspective of the policy debate and derive criteria for policy choices.

Target Audience

Mid- to senior-level officials involved in monetary and exchange rate policy-making.