Advanced Safety Management Systems (SMS) in Civil Aviation

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Advanced Safety Management Systems (SMS) in Civil Aviation

A Safety Management System (SMS) is also an essential part of operating in today’s aviation industry. Suitable for those with significant relevant experience in the subject matter who are looking to enhance their specialist skills and knowledge to keep abreast of latest
regulatory and technical developments.

This advanced course introduces participants to the key tools to manage a performance-based SMS. The processes examined are equally applicable to airline, airport, Air Traffic Management, and other aviation operations.

Participants will be able to streamline the operational and business processes of their companies and demonstrate improved safety performance to their Board of Directors, insurance underwriters, their clients and customers, and the regulatory agencies that oversee them. Managers and staff from Safety Offices will particularly benefit from the course, as will representatives from Civil Aviation Authorities.

What you will learn
  •  Proactively manage safety
  •  Upgrade your organization’s SMS tools
  •  Integrate SMS into other management systems
  •  Improve safety culture

Target Group
Experienced safety management practitioners who seek new perspectives on how to shape their organization’s existing SMS to perform more effectively and
to refine it to maximize tangible benefits, particularly.
Safety and Operations Managers from Airlines, Quality Managers, Flight Safety Officers, Legal advisers, Airports, Civil Aviation Authorities and Air
Navigation Service Providers