Public Administration, Policy Analysis and Governance Course
All recent efforts to streamline public administration have given rise to the need for standard policies and guidelines across public sector organisations. Formulating policies is not the only step that could make a positive difference to public administration. Instead, the processes after policy formulation are of utmost importance to ensure the achievement of the objectives for creating the policy.
Policies are those directives of law, regulations and programs developed by public sector organisations to solve specific problems. Shaping public policy involves strategic planning as well as complex negotiations and interactions. Policy analysis is a systematic process for civil servants and other public sector officials to examine and evaluate existing problems, devise solutions, create policies and implement them across the organisation. It will examine the basic concepts of this term to better understand why governments do what they do. Public policy analysis will focus on introducing the various approaches to policy making, including public policy theories, ideologies and contexts thus having a better understanding of what governments do. Public policy development process will discuss the stages of the policy-making cycle, and will increase your awareness on policy implementation steps and how governments do what they do. it will also prepare you for multiple challenges that you may encounter during the process, with both internal and external influence, such that you can pre-empt these and not allow these to affect your policy and the resultant benefits to your organisation and its employees.
- Complete knowledge and information of the process, principles, practices and challenges of modern public policy analysis and implementation.
- The adequate skill and knowledge to play an important part in Policy Analysis formulation and implementation in the organisation.
- The experience and preparedness to handle any challenges or obstructions to the entire policy process.
- A broader perspective to look beyond and think of situations, problems and their long-term solutions.
- The advantage of creating policies that suit employees and also resolve challenges well, thus ensuring maximum adherence by employees.
- An advantage of creating a conducive and disciplined work culture, with all employees respecting the policies and guidelines set out by the organisation.
- The ability to permanently resolve a problem that would have otherwise negatively impacted the growth of the organisation.
- The ability to critically examine the structure and functions of the organisation and make a positive difference.